

As you might know, I am in the last year of my PhD, which I have worked on since February 2021.

I'm up to my last study, which examines Australian views on future mobility, including autonomous and electric vehicles.

If you are 18 years old or over and live in Australia, please take 20 minutes out of your day to help me gain various views on Australia's future mobility.


Previously, I interviewed 82 participants over 29 focus groups for the qualitative (i.e., descriptive) research component. The coding and analysis took much longer than I thought/hoped. I discuss this process in my presentation: A Visual Guide on Using the Braun and Clarke 6-Phase Process for Thematic Analysis. I also presented my Thesis Candidature Review Milestone (TCRM) in November, discussing what I had done and what was to come.

The focus groups resulted in various themes related to the perceived benefits and potential challenges of the autonomous vehicle (AV) rollout in Australia (Study 1) and how the continuous deployment of electric vehicles (Study 2) might impact the rollout. I am now using a questionnaire (Study 3) to examine the perspectives of a broader Australian audience.

I gave a presentation in April about my focus group findings to the Australian Electric Vehicle Association of Queensland, of which I am a part.

Please see the poster and the information on the questionnaire for more information and to get involved.

Promo Video to come


Here's the blurb:

The current research explores the perceived benefits and potential challenges of the rollout of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in Australia. This third study will investigate the perspectives of a broader Australian audience regarding the similarities and benefits identified and explored in previous research (GU ref no: 2024/321). Our interest lies in identifying these benefits and challenges and who will be impacted. We are also interested in the continuous deployment of electric vehicles (EVs). As EVs are already present in Australia, the views of EV owners (and those who are anti-EVs) help to identify the barriers and gaps to their widespread adoption and offer valuable insights into aspects that may impact the AV rollout. We want to know if disruptive technologies like EVs are sufficiently addressed to support the most effective AV responses for future mobility in the areas relating to society, technology, government, and Big Tech.

Getting involved means completing an online consent form and answering basic demographic questions, questions about autonomous and electric vehicles, and questions about your driving and technology experience.

Please spread the word to others who are interested in sharing their views.

Here are the social media links to share:


Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.

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