- 20 September 2012
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Incase you're not aware, I'm in South East Asia where I will be until mid-February 2013.
My friend Chindy who is the General Manager of the Indonesian Vegetarian Society (IVS) and the Vegan Society of Indonesia (VSI) - who I met in Yogyakarta has organised me to attend, speak and/or give food demos at the following events in Java and Sumatra, Indonesia in September and October.
Please come along and say hi if you're in the area!
19-23 September - Veg Expo
at Solo Square Mall, Solo, Java, Indonesia
I will be giving a talk along with Inna from Animal Friends Jogya on Animal as a Person not a Commodity and a Meet & Greet that night. Interpreted by Santhi.
Saturday 29 & Sunday 30 September - World Vegetarian Day (WVD) Food Expo & Seminar
at Jakarta Pluit Junction, Jl. Pluit Raya, Jakarta, Java, Indonesia
Meet & Greet with Leigh-Chantelle - from 12:10 - 13:40 on Saturday 29 September (see the first advert above). I will be speaking about veganism and in particular the ethical and environmental aspects. I will also be showing how to make vegan cheese sauce. I will also be a judge for the Super-Duper Vegan Chef competition. Interpreted by Flora.
Saturday 13 & Sunday 14 October - Vegan Cup
at Palenbang, Sumatra

On Saturday night I will be participating in a Meet & Greet from 19:00
Sunday - I'm one of the judges in the Vegan Cup competition. I will also be showing how to make vegan cheese sauce and raw banana ice cream. Interpreted by Santhi
Friday 19, Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 October - Vegan Food Festival
at Medan, North Sumatra

I'm giving a food demonstration at 19:30 for vegan cheese sauce, cherry shortbread and raw banana ice cream. Interpreted by Ferdy.
There's a lot of vegan events happening in September, October and November:
Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.
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