Leigh-Chantelle is a published Author, International Speaker, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger who lives mostly in Brisbane, Australia.
She runs the online community Viva la Vegan!, the not-for-profit environmental awareness Green Earth Group, as well as coordinates in-person and online coaching and training for Online Etiquette Education, Engaging Volunteers, Staging Effective Events, Effective Activism and Empowering Vegans.
Leigh-Chantelle is an accredited naturopath, nutritionist and Western herbalist who combines her passion for vegan health along with her natural therapies and healing skills.
Over the past 16 years, Leigh-Chantelle has been involved as a sponsor, performer, speaker, MC and stallholder for various animal rights, vegan, vegetarian, environmental and cruelty-free fundraisers, forums, conferences, festivals and events throughout Australia and Internationally.
Leigh-Chantelle's Writing | Music
Epicentre Equilibrium
Leigh-Chantelle founded the company Epicentre Equilibrium to provide Consulting, Content Creation, Publishing, Social Media Marketing and Online Etiquette Education to Businesses, Not-For-Profits & High Schools.
In-house, hands-on coaching and training on various topics at your workplace or venue. Tailor-made, one-on-one and online also available.
Leigh-Chantelle is available for select speaking engagements, seminars, coaching and training on the following:
- Online Etiquette, Social Media Marketing and Online Skills
- Staging Effective Events, Engaging Volunteers and Team Work
- Marketing & Promoting your Event
- Entrepreneur Excellence
- Passive & Online Income Streams
- Workplace Health & Healthy Food Education
- Veganism, Animal Rights and Activism
Speaking, Coaching & Training Services
Viva la Vegan!
Viva la Vegan! was started by Leigh-Chantelle in 2005 and has since grown to be an interactive, multimedia community for vegans, focusing on positive education, information and vegan outreach.
Through the vivalavegan.net website, Leigh-Chantelle's focus is on educating people about ethical lifestyle choices, proving that through compassion we can heal ourselves and each other.
Vivalavegan.net focuses on easy-to-prepare recipes, blogs, articles, podcasts, interactive forum, informative and how-to videos, interviews with inspiring vegans, vegan mentoring e-books, print books and much more.
Green Earth Group
Leigh-Chantelle was the Founder & President of Green Earth Group from 2009-2013, a not-for-profit environmental awareness charity group, which promoted a better way of living – for us, for our animal friends and for our planet.
Organised through Green Earth Group and overseen by Leigh-Chantelle were two major community events - Green Earth Festival in 2010 (3000-4000 attendees) & Green Earth Day in 2011 (2000 attendees).
See the 200-page eBook for the Green Earth Group History. (Link)
Leigh-Chantelle is on various committees, including:
- Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Logan, 2010-2015
- Our Place on Earth, since 2011
- Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale, since 2010
- Green Earth Group (President), 2009-2013
Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.
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