- 28 May 2013
Joanna & Meghan from CHRY 105.5 FM interviewed me on 15 May on Veganism & Commercialism for the Independent Arts Report. CHRY 105.5 FM is a campus and community-based radio located in York University, Toronto, Canada.
Listen Here or click the play button below. The interview is just under 14 minutes and I speak about:
- Viva la Vegan! & the Commercialisation of the Vegan Movement
- What Veganism Actually Is
- The Difference between a Vegetarian & Vegan
- The Roots & History of Veganism
- What it Means to Be a Vegan
- Best Advice for someone looking into Veganism
- Wave of Commercialisation - has it taken away from the meaning?
- What I think of the reliance of vegans on processed foods
- Class Distinction and Cost of Veganism
Find CHRY online, Blog, Twitter, FaceBook & YouTube
Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.
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