

Vegan World book
Recently I read the new book from Tobias Leenaert "How to Create a Vegan World: a Pragmatic Approach" which is a really thought-provoking book, using his almost 20 years experience in vegan advocacy and campaigning. I like to think I'm pragmatic wi...

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Friday Night Lights the book by HG Bissinger
I'm almost heading back home after my European Adventures and my Indonesian trip. I found a book at a second-hand book store in Ubud, which I knew the TV show was based on, however I had always thought it was a fictional story. I'm not too keen on fi...

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Lions vs Sheep WSW
Lions vs Sheep Show me the lion upset about the opinions of sheep, then I’ll tell you my thoughts on what you’ve been saying about me. Leigh-Chantelle Did you know I have an eBook with a lot of these short poems of mine? Write Short Wedne...

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The 5 Choices The Path to Extraordinary Productivity from FranklinCovey organisation
I'm settling back into being back in Ubud, Indonesia after the stress of getting here (from my European Adventures). I really needed the time away to reassess a lot of things in my life. I am starting to feel as though I'm on the right track towards ...

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How to be a Heroine or what Ive Learned from Reading too much by Samantha Ellis
I'm safely back home at my beloved Ubud after my European Adventures and quite a bit of stress getting here... On my London, England -> Denpasar, Indonesia travels I read the book How to be a Heroine or what I've Learned from Reading too much by S...

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LC European Adventures lettering
Incase you're not aware, for 3 months and 10 days I've been on My European Adventures. It was my first time over that side of the world, and though a few challenges came up (as they do when you travel!) overall it was a wonderful experience. My main ...

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Parallel Lines or Journeys on the Railway of Dreams by Ian Marchant
I'm nearly at the end of my European Adventures. I read the book Parallel Lines or Journeys on the Railway of Dreams by Ian Marchant recently, he's a train obsessive like me. I was able to exchange my robots taking jobs book for this at a second-hand...

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Haworth WSW
Haworth I spent so many hours at the Parsonage, the reality hitting home, but the wonder never leaving. The hills stretched on forever as I walked where Emily walked, lost in space and time. Cathy and Heathcliffe’s words thundering through the la...

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International Activism Liverpool Viva Vegan Festival
I'm overseas in the midst of My European Adventures. The latest vegan event I spoke at (and my last over here) was last weekend on Saturday 12 August at another Viva! Vegan Festival, this time in Liverpool. I spoke about International Activism & Eng...

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LC TVMA Profile July 2017
Michaela from The Australian Vegan Magazine recently interviewed me for this 4-page profile in their latest edition (July/August) - you can get your very own copy from MANY newsagents in Australia. Pics of me by Luke Henery. More VVSQ images here.

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Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.

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