

I gave a presentation about my PhD and the findings from my focus groups this week at the Australian Electric Vehicle Association (AEVA) Queensland branch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQgqVQqcPkw Watch the Video on YouTube You can see the fu...

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I presented my Thesis Candidature Review Milestone (TCRM) on Friday, titled Exploring Sociotechnical Factors Impacting the Autonomous Vehicle Rollout in Australia. Here's the blurb: As part of my PhD, we must present where we are and what will com...

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I was part of a series of Focus Group Workshops organised by Researcher Education and Development (RED) at Griffith University that were delivered last week. Professor Barbara Pini and Doctor Judy Rose delivered the first workshop, An Overview of ...

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I gave an award-winning (!) presentation at the Thematic Analysis in Mixed Methods Mini-Symposium today online for Griffith University. The full title is A Visual Guide on Using the Braun and Clarke 6-Phase Process for Thematic Analysis to Identify ...

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Finding Balance with Technology in our Always On Culture
Here's my presentation I gave on Tuesday for the Golden Key Academy as part of Golden Key International: Finding Balance with Technology in our Always-On Culture WATCH the Video. VIEW the Slides on SlideShare.

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Introduction to Cyberpsychology Digital Wellness and Digital Equilibrium
Here's my presentation I gave at the Rotary Club of Brisbane on Monday - this is the second part: Introduction to Cyberpsychology, Digital Wellness, and Digital Equilibrium WATCH the Video. VIEW the Slides on SlideShare.

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An Overview of Being Vegan in 2021
Here's my presentation I gave at the Rotary Club of Brisbane on Monday - this is the first part: An Overview of Being Vegan in 2021 WATCH the Video. VIEW the Slides on SlideShare.

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Digital Wellness Digital Equilibrium by Leigh Chantelle vertical
I've just finished my last assessment for a 10-week online course on Digital Wellbeing I've been doing from the Digital Wellness Institute. Check out my introduction to Digital Wellbeing, Digital Equilibrium (my term), Digital Flourishing, and ti...

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Leigh Chantelles OCURA2020 Presentation on Preschoolers and their Engagement with Social Robots
Here's my presentation on Preschoolers and their Engagement with Social Robots I gave at the Online Conference for Undergraduate Research in Australia (OCURA2020) part of the Motivation of Health Behaviours Research Lab, at CQUniversity, Australia ...

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Is Twitter an Effective Tool for Communicating Research Findings in Psycholog
Here's a presentation I gave that answers the question I'm sure you have asked yourself (!), is Twitter is an effective tool for communicating research findings in psychology? WATCH the Video. VIEW slides on Slideshare. READ the Article.

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Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.

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