VLV Updates
2012 marked the beginning of the Viva la Vegan! interviews with Vegan Athletes, Fitness Fanatics and Exercise Enthusiasts worldwide.
As of the end of May 2015, all of the 130+ interviews have been published online here - below in alphabetical order.
Also see the photo albums on FaceBook, Google+, and Pinterest. The book editing process is now well underway!
Click on each photo or description to read the interviews.
Many more to come... Stay tuned by Subscribing via RSS
I'm still looking for people who have been dedicated 100% vegans for at least one year. If you know anyone who would be interested in contributing to the Vegan Athletes interviews, articles and the upcoming book, please get in touch.
NOTE: 100% vegan means (from a dietary perspective at least) that you do NOT consume any animal flesh including sea creatures, or any animal products including honey.