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The 2016 Oceania Critical Animal Studies Conference is taking place Friday 30 September, and Saturday 1 October.

This is a primarily academic event, along with a few workshops. Held at the University of Canberra.

ICAS Oceania 2016

Definition of Critical Animal Studies:

Critical animal studies is rooted in animal liberation and anarchism, is an intersectional transformative holistic theory-to-action activist led based movement and field of study to unapologetically examine, explain, be in solidarity with, and be part of radical and revolutionary actions, theories, groups and movements for total liberation and to dismantle all systems of domination and oppression, in hopes for a just, equitable, inclusive, and peaceful world.

I'll be giving a workshop on Ethics Beyond the Plate at 2-3pm on the Friday (Saturday is the AFL grand final!)

Ethics workshop LC at ICAS

Here's the blurb:

With the mainstream media watering down the meaning of veganism with it's dietary, fitness and weight-loss focus, is the vegan movement losing its core ethics? There are many reasons and benefits to go - and stay - vegan. Including the environment, labour rights, human rights, animal rights, ethics, feminism, and other intersectionality issues. How can we learn from other social justice movements to move forward in a more inclusive and intersectional way? If more people stay vegan long-term due to ethical reasons, how can we promote consciousness-raising, non-oppression, non-objectification, and anti-consumerism for and beyond the vegan lifestyle?

Find out more about how we can work together as vegans and activists to promote inclusivity, learn from other movements, and lead by example to promote compassion to ALL we encounter. Learn how to become a more effective activist and make these much-needed changes with Leigh-Chantelle's Ethics Beyond the Plate workshop.

READ the Conference Booklet here - includes information on Speakers, Abstracts and Workshops.

Hope to see you there, at the Conference Dinner on Saturday night, and then at the Living Green Festival on Sunday.

Please spread the word - and I hope to see you there! 

See ALL of the other Vegan Events taking place this year in Australia, Bali and London.







Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.

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