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1/2 cauliflower
1 tbsp coconut oil
1-2 chillies, diced
1 inch piece of ginger, diced
2 garlic cloves, diced
Bragg’s amino acids, Tamari or Soy sauce
1 cup grated vegetables
e.g. carrot (x1), zucchini (x1), capsicum (x1), mushrooms (x6)
Cut cauliflower into quarters, break apart - use core if tender
Process/Pulse cauliflower in small amounts in Blendtec Blender until broken down into couscous/rice-sized granules
Take out larger bits and process separately if needed
Use raw as is for a salad.
Refrigerate up to a week
Freeze for up to 3 months, thaw before using
To make cooked rice:
Warm oil in wok
Add chilli, garlic and ginger
Stir in cauliflower and other vegetables
Season with Bragg’s
Cook until as tender as you wish
Watch the how-to Video:
Recipe © Leigh-Chantelle 2015
Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.
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