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A couple of weekends ago I was in Canberra for the Oceania Critical Animal Studies Conference on the Friday and Saturday (before I was watching the #AFLGF) and the Living Green Festival on Sunday.
On the Friday, I gave a workshop on Ethics Beyond the Plate.
Here's the blurb:
With the mainstream media watering down the meaning of veganism with it's dietary, fitness and weight-loss focus, is the vegan movement losing its core ethics? There are many reasons and benefits to go - and stay - vegan. Including the environment, labour rights, human rights, animal rights, ethics, feminism, and other intersectionality issues. How can we learn from other social justice movements to move forward in a more inclusive and intersectional way? If more people stay vegan long-term due to ethical reasons, how can we promote consciousness-raising, non-oppression, non-objectification, and anti-consumerism for and beyond the vegan lifestyle?
Find out more about how we can work together as vegans and activists to promote inclusivity, learn from other movements, and lead by example to promote compassion to ALL we encounter. Learn how to become a more effective activist and make these much-needed changes with Leigh-Chantelle's Ethics Beyond the Plate workshop.
Here's the Video:
You can LISTEN to the Podcast (thanks to Nick from Progressive Podcast Australia) HERE or below:
LISTEN to all the other recorded sessions from ICAS.
VIEW photos from the weekend on my VLV! Instagram & LC Instagram. Will add my talk photos when I get them.
See ALL of my upcoming Vegan Events taking place this year.
Leigh-Chantelle is an International Speaker & Consultant; Author, Singer/Songwriter and Blogger.
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