
I'm nearly at the end of my European Adventures. I read the book Parallel Lines or Journeys on the Railway of Dreams by Ian Marchant recently, he's a train obsessive like me. I was able to exchange my robots taking jobs book for this at a second-hand book store in Amsterdam.

Parallel Lines or Journeys on the Railway of Dreams by Ian Marchant

The book talks about the Victorian heyday of the railway, the age of the steamtrain, and then where British rail is now with delays are more. Part memoir, part history of the real railway and the romance of the golden age of the  railways.

Each chapter is about a different type of train trip Ian takes e.g. trying to cover all of the London underground in 24 hours - spoiler, he doesn’t!

I laughed aloud to a LOT of this book when I was in transit - on trains of course!